Dizajn ambalaže Craft Paint igračaka - Package design

Klijent iz Zagreba Craft Paint zatražio me je dizajn ambalaže za četri seta igračaka. Prijevozna sredstva, Parkić, Hrvatski Grb i Cvijeće. Nakon nekoliko prijedloga u dogovoru sa klijentom napravio sam dizajn za sve 4 igračke i njihove upute. Radi se o igračkama koje su izrađene od drveta pa se djeca istovremeno zabavljaju sa slaganje i bojanjem tih setova. Ambalaža igračaka ima samo otisnuti karton gore na paketu, pa je trebalo napraviti dizajn ambalaže na relativno malom prostoru.

Klijentov prvi zahtjev je glasio ovako: “Hi, I am not sure if we can communicate in Croatian so I will write description in English. We are looking for graphics designer who is familiar with InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator for ongoing cooperation. We are developing new creative didactic toys for kids and need graphics designer who can help us with graphics design for user manual and packaging. I will add one example of already finished user manual and packaging (header/envelope for plastic bag). Also, I will add an example of content for user manual for which we need a user manual graphics design and packaging design. All graphic design should follow graphics concepts which we already have. New designs should be recognizable that they are part of our products. We expect someone who can help us actively to make our user manuals easy to understand (suggest some concepts which can make user manual easily to understand) and nice looking. We expect end design as unlocked InDesign, Photoshop or Illustrator file. We will provide all photos and content which are necessary to easy understand and usage of materials. If you are interested in such cooperation please let me know and send me some introducing letter with some related jobs which you have already finished. Also send me proposal of cooperation, is it possible to arrange fixed price per job or hourly charged jobs? We have open job for HR Grb, user manual and packaging envelope.




Dizajn ambalaže



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